Консистентная смазка

    Сводная таблица консистентных смазок TOYO

    Смазки для сверхвысоких температур (>300°C)

    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Диапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 708 EPFS Алюминевый комплекс EP FS (Подробнее) 330 от -30 до 231 30


    Описание продукта:
    Эта смазка представляет собой гладкую, гелеобразную на вид, высокотемпературную, 100% синтетическую алюминиевую комплексную смазку, которая обладает превосходной устойчивостью к сдвигу, хорошей прокачиваемостью и превосходной стойкостью к вымыванию водой.
    Эта комплексная смазка очень устойчива к окислению и устойчива к термическому разрушению. Обеспечивает длительный срок службы даже при высокой температуре и во влажных условиях.

    Алюминиевые комплексные смазки EAJ 708 EP FS разработаны специально для применения при высоких температурах и высоком давлении в агрессивных рабочих средах. Могут применяться в сталепрокатных станах, шейках валов, подшипниках качения и скольжения на бумажных фабриках, при морском бурении, добыче полезных ископаемых и других областях применения, требующих хорошей прокачиваемости и стабильности вымывания водой.

    EAJ 955 SI Неорганическая (Подробнее) 399 от -20 до 255 22


    Описание продукта:
    Эта смазка представляет собой современную смесь, разработанную для работы при критических высоких температурах.

    Обладает высокой устойчивостью к радиации, обеспечивает длительный срок службы в широком диапазоне применений. Изготовлена с использованием неплавящегося загустителя и масла с высоким индексом вязкости, которое может повысить температурную способность смазки до верхнего предела, определяемого температурой испарения / разрушения масла.
    Может выдерживать кратковременные температуры до 399°C (750°C) и более высокие температуры. При пополнении / повторной смазке может прослужить дольше.

    Смазка EAJ 955 SI настоятельно рекомендуется для использования в печах, вытяжных вентиляторах горячего воздуха, открытых зубчатых передачах, сушилках, подшипниках подвесных тележек, электродвигателях и т.д., а также при других тяжелых операциях.
    Также подходит для использования в смазке подшипников качения на атомных электростанциях.

    EAJ 7002 EP SBH BLUE Литиевый комплекс EP SBH Blue (Подробнее) 320 от -20 до 224 36


    Описание продукта:
    Эта смазка представляет собой превосходную универсальный литиевый комплекс, специально разработанный для продления срока службы узлов и агрегатов в автомобилестроении и промышленности. Он был протестирован для получения оптимальных результатов в течение длительного времени, особенно в сложных условиях эксплуатации.

    EAJ 7002 EP SBH Blue рекомендуется для большинства промышленных машин, подшипников качения на сталелитейных заводах, карьерных, морских, сельскохозяйственных, горнодобывающих, строительных машинах, конвейерах, лифтах, цепях, шкивах, валах, автомобилестроении и т.д.

    EAJ 9008 EP Сульфонат кальция (Подробнее) 316 от -20 до 205 27


    Описание продукта:

    EAJ 9008 EP - это гладкая гелеобразная высокотемпературная смазка на основе сульфоната кальция, обладающая превосходной устойчивостью к сдвигу, хорошей прокачиваемостью и превосходной стойкостью к вымыванию водой. Эта смазка очень устойчива к окислению, обеспечивает длительный срок службы даже при работе в условиях высоких температур и повышенной влажности.
    Смазывающая способность EAJ 9008 EP обеспечивается за счет высокоочищенного базового масла и специального загустителя, что обеспечивает максимальную защиту для ваших узлов.

    Смазка на основе сульфоната кальция EAJ 9008 EP предназначена для применения при высоких температурах и высоком давлении в агрессивных рабочих средах, например, в сельском хозяйствое, в автомобильных шасси, в шаровых и универсальных шарнирах, подшипниках колес, строительстве, пищевой промышленности, в  промышленных конвейерах, в машинах непрерывного литья заготовок, в шаровых мельницах, дробилках, паровых клапанах с приводом от двигателя, судовых, стальных прокатных станах, например, шейки валков, машины непрерывного литья заготовок, подшипники качения и скольжения на бумажных фабриках, при бурении на шельфе, при добыче полезных ископаемых и в других областях применения, где требуется хорошая прокачиваемость и стабильность при вымывании водой.

    Высокотепературные, интервал 230°C- 300°C

    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 708 EP Aluminum Complex EP (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 177 65 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a smooth gel-like appearance high temperature aluminum complex grease that has excellent shear stability, good pump-ability and has superior resistance to water wash-out. This complex grease is very stable in terms of oxidation offering an extended working life even operating under high temperature and in wet conditions.

    EAJ 708 EP Aluminum Complex Grease are particularly suited for high temperature and high pressure applications in aggressive working environments such as steel rolling mills e.g. roll neck, rolling and plain bearings in paper mills, offshore drilling, mining operations and other applications that requires good pump-ability performance and water wash-out stability.

    EAJ 7002 Lithium Complex (Подробнее) 399 -20 to 255 48 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a superior, multi purpose lithium complex grease specially developed to extend the performance life for automotive and industrial applications. It has been tested to give optimum results over extended periods especially under difficult operating conditions.

    EAJ 7002 is recommended for most industrial machineries, rolling element bearings in steel mills, quarry, marine, agricultural, mining, construction machinery, conveyors, elevators, chains, pulleys, shafts, automotive applications etc.

    EAJ 7002 EP Lithium Complex EP (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 186 60 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a superior, multi purpose lithium complex grease specially developed to extend the performance life for automotive and industrial applications. It has been tested to give optimum results over extended periods especially under difficult operating conditions.

    EAJ 7002 EP is recommended for most industrial machineries, rolling element bearings in steel mills, quarry, marine, agricultural, mining, construction machinery, conveyors, elevators, chains, pulleys, shafts, automotive applications etc.

    EAJ 8000 Inorganic (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 150 40 lbs

    450gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a heavy duty multi-purpose HI-LO temperature grease. It is designed to meet the high requirements for maximum film strength, operating temperature, stability and lubrication life essential to the operation of today’s industrial and commercial equipment and machinery.
    It offers an increased advantage of wear resistance and medium to high load carrying capacity under high, constant and intermittent stress.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 8000 is recommended for industrial machineries, rails and wheel flanges of railroad tracks, automotive and construction applications, electrical motors, bearings, gears and couplings, trucks, tractors, cars etc.

    EAJ 9002 Inorganic (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 170 48 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a smooth texture, superior quality, multi-purpose high temperature grease designed to withstand high temperature/heavy loads for good performance in automotive and industrial lubrication applications. It has good metal adhesiveness (“tackiness”) and high water tolerance; it is not leached out of the grease by water and absorbed water does not affect consistency.
    An important property of EAJ 9002 is that they do not melt allowing particular applications in stee l mills, cement plants, glass plants or where high temperature are likely. This high performance grease offer exceptional performance to the user and satisfy multiple equipment applications.

    EAJ 9002 is recommended for all industrial and automotive machineries, construction applications, electric motor, bearings and gears, heavy loaded applications, steel mills, marine, aircraft, etc.

    EAJ 9002 EP Inorganic (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 170 62 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a smooth texture, superior quality, multi-purpose high temperature grease designed to withstand high temperature/heavy loads for good performance in automotive and industrial lubrication applications. It has good metal adhesiveness (“tackiness”) and high water tolerance; it is not leached out of the grease by water and absorbed water does not affect consistency.
    An important property of EAJ 9002 EP is that they do not melt allowing particular applications in stee l mills, cement plants, glass plants or where high temperature are likely. This high performance grease offer exceptional performance to the user and satisfy multiple equipment applications.

    EAJ 9002 EP is recommended for all industrial and automotive machineries, construction applications, electric motor, bearings and gears, heavy loaded applications, steel mills, marine, aircraft, etc.

    EAJ 9003 EP Inorganic (Подробнее) 288 -20 to 180 70 lbs


    Описание продукта:
    This grease is a new performance and high quality grease that provides protection from wear under high temperature and heavy impact. It is fortified with special additives which allow the grease to stay in place and not to spatter or pound out of the bearing or fitting.
    It keeps greased components in like new condition and has high resistance to heat and water washing. Bearing life is excellent.

    EAJ 9003 EP is recommended for all industrial and automotive machinery, construction applications, electric motor, bearings and gears, heavy loaded applications, steel mills, marine, aircraft, etc.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 1 Economy Lithium (Подробнее) 190 -20 to 123 N/A

    Gross 15kg


    Product Description:
    This grease is an economical grade lithium grease for use in general automotive and industria l applications. The lubricating ability of EAJ 1 was made from high quality pure base oil, imported thickener and additive from USA.
    The unique combination of the raw materials used enable the grease to be pumped equally well at low or high temperature. It can withstand temperature up to 170?/ 338?.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 1 is recommended for most heavy vehicles, machineries and for general lubrication. High temperature performance at economical price. Suitable for most bearing applications as it can withstand higher temperature than normal heavy grease.

    EAJ 2 Economy Calcium (Подробнее) 118 Up to 80 N/A



    Product Description:
    This grease is a superior, heavy duty grease. It provides excellent lubricity, resists separation and thinning and has good shear and mechanically stability. It is exceptionally resistant to water wash out including emulsions.
    A truly multi-purpose grease that outperforms many other heavy duty greases.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 2 greases are primarily used to lubricate earth moving machines, cranes, trucks, wire ropes, machinery components and vehicle bearings operating under mild conditions and lubrication of buffer disks, screw couplings, hand brake spindles etc.
    It is formulated from good quality base oil to meet industrial and automotive requirements. It has no environmentally harmful substances and heavy metals.

    EAJ 101 EP Calcium EP (Подробнее) 125 Up to 90 40 lbs

    450gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a superior, heavy duty grease. It provides excellent lubricity, resists separation and thinning and has good shear and mechanically stability. It is exceptionally resistant to water wash out including emulsions.
    A truly multi-purpose grease that outperforms many other heavy duty greases.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 101 EP greases are primarily used to lubricate water pumps, cranes, trucks, wire ropes, machinery components and vehicle bearings operating under mild conditions and lubrication of buffer disks, screw couplings, hand brake spindles etc.

    EAJ 7000 Lithium 12 HSA (Подробнее) 210 -20 to 136 40 lbs

    450gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a high performance multi-purpose lithium based grease suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications.
    It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions. It has good oxidation resistance.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7000 is recommended for industrial machineries, rolling element bearings in steel mills, quarry, marine, agricultural, mining, construction machinery, drilling, conveyors, elevators, chains, pulleys, cranes, shafts, automotive applications etc.

    EAJ 7000 EP Lithium 12 HSA EP (Подробнее) 210 -20 to 136 55 lbs

    450gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a high performance multi-purpose lithium based grease which containing extreme pressure additives and suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications.
    It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications. It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions. It has good oxidation resistance.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7000 EP 2 is recommended for industrial machineries, rolling element bearings in steel mills, quarry, marine, agricultural, mining, construction machinery, drilling, conveyors, elevators, chains, pulleys, cranes, shafts, automotive applications etc.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 708 MG Aluminum Complex Moly (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 177 65 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a smooth gel-like appearance high temperature aluminum complex moly graphite grease that has excellent shear stability, good pump-ability, anti-friction and has superior resistance to water wash-out. This complex grease is very stable in terms of oxidation offering an extended working life even operating under high temperature and in wet conditions. Besides, it is free from lead.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 708 MG Aluminum Complex Moly Grease are particularly suited for high temperature, high load and high vibration applications in aggressive working environments such as offshore drilling, percussion rock drilling, mining operations and other applications that requires high load, good pumpability performance and water wash-out stability.

    EAJ 7001 Lithium Moly (Подробнее) 210 -20 to 136 55–62 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a premium grade grey-black Moly-lithium 12-HSA grease. It contains special functional additive molybdenum disulfide which will impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces.
    It also resists water washing and has excellent anti wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the Moly. The molybdenum disulfide also serves as a running in and smoothing agent.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7001 LM is recommended for high load and high temperature industrial and automotive machineries. It is excellent for lubricating motors, trucks, trailers, construction equipment, open gears, CV/ Plugging/ Fixed ball joints, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains and where heavy load, strong vibration and water contamination may be a problem.

    EAJ 7002 MG Lithium Complex Moly (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 165 62 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a premium grade grey-black Moly-lithium complex grease. It contains special functional additive molybdenum disulfide which will impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces.
    It also resists water washing and has excellent anti wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the Moly. The molybdenum disulfide also serves as a running in and smoothing agent.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7002 MG is recommended for high load and high temperature industrial and automotive machineries. It is excellent for lubricating motors, trucks, trailers, construction equipment, open gears, CV/ Plugging/ Fixed ball joints, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains, pins, bushes and where heavy load, strong vibration and water contamination may be a problem.

    EAJ 7002 EPMG Lithium Complex Moly EP (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 185 62 lbs
    EAJ 8000 MG Inorganic Moly (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 150 55 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a smooth, grey-black grease. It contain special functional additives and graphite which impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces. It also resists water washing and has good anti-wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the graphite.
    It features exceptionally low volatility due to the high molecular-weight olefin polymer base stock.
    As the ambient temperature increases, this olefin will evaporate slowly leaving a layer of pure highlyrefined graphite residue on the metallic surfaces thus preventing metal to metal contact.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 8000 Moly Graphite is recommended for all industrial machineries for the lubrication of open gears, shafts, CV/Plugging/Fixed ball joints, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains and where loads are heavy or where water may be a problem.
    It is also recommended as a track lubricant and for the cup grease lubrication of propeller shaft bearings in pleasure craft, trawlers etc.

    EAJ 955 MG Inorganic Moly (Подробнее) 399 -20 to 224 65 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease represents a state-of-the-art blend, formulated for critical high temperature performance.
    It has high tolerance for radiation, it provides a long service life in a broad range of applications. It is made using a non melting thickener and high viscosity index oil which can boost the temperature capability of the grease to an upper limit determined by the evaporation/breakdown temperature of the oil.
    It can withstand up to 399 ?(750 ?) and higher temperatures for brief periods. With replenishment/ re-lubrication, it can last longer.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 955 MG contains of molybdenum disulfide and able to offer better load carrying capabilities especially for heavy and shock loading conditions.

    EAJ 9002 MG Inorganic Moly (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 150 55 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a smooth, grey-black grease. It contain special functional additives and graphite which impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces. It also resists water washing and has good anti-wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the graphite. It features exceptionally low volatility due to the high molecular-weight olefin polymer base stock.
    As the ambient temperature increases, this olefin will evaporate slowly leaving a layer of pure highlyrefined graphite residue on the metallic surfaces thus preventing metal to metal contact.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9002 Moly Graphite is recommended for all industrial machineries for the lubrication of open gears, shafts, CV/ Plugging/ Fixed ball joints, boiler exhaust fan, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains and where loads are heavy or where water may be a problem.
    It is also recommended as a track lubricant and for the cup grease lubrication of propeller shaft bearings in pleasure craft, trawlers etc.

    EAJ 9003 MGS Inorganic Moly (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 150 55 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is made by synthetic base stocks and high quality additives that provides protection from wear under super high and low temperature and for most heavy impact applications. It contain special functional molybdenum disulfide and graphite which impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces. It also resists water washing and has good anti-wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect.
    It features exceptionally low volatility due to the high molecular-weight olefin polymer base stock. As the ambient temperature increases, this olefin will evaporate slowly leaving a layer of pure highlyrefined molybdenum disulfide and graphite residue on the metallic surfaces thus preventing metal to metal contact.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9003 MGS is recommended for all industrial machineries for the lubrication of open gears, shafts, CV/ Plugging/ Fixed ball joints, boiler exhaust fan, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains and where loads are heavy or where water may be a problem.

    EAJ 9008 CSM Inorganic Moly (Подробнее) 230 -20 to 150 55 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 9008 CSM is a smooth gel-like appearance super high temperature and super high load Calcium Sulfonate grease with extra solid lubricant that has excellent shear stability, good pump ability and has superior resistance to water wash-out. This grease is very stable in terms of oxidation offering an extended working life even operating under high temperature and in wet conditions.
    The lubricating ability of EAJ 9008 CSM is formulated from highly refined base oil and special thickening agent to provide maximum protection for your applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9008 CSM is particularly suited for high temperature and extremely load applications in aggressive working environments such as agriculture, mining and construction equipment, open gears, CV/ plugging/ fixed ball joints, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/conveyer chains and where heavy load, extremely strong vibration.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 933 S Di-Electronic (Подробнее) >260 -40 to 170 -

    100gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a non toxic and non melting silicone grease specially formulated with inert silica fillers and selected proprietary additives package.
    It has excellent extreme temperature resistance and dielectric properties. This silicone based materials reduce friction and provide long lasting lubrication.
    It is compatible with most plastics and rubbers and will not crack or become brittle with age. It has excellent water resistant and physical properties which can be use for automotive, industrial and marine applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 933 S Extreme High Temperature is recommended as a moisture barrier, surface protectant, specialized release lubrication/release agent. It can enhance thermal conductivity – electrical connectors, seals and cables.
    EAJ 933 S can also be used as a lubricant for many plastics and rubber (silicone rubber, synthetic rubbers, o-rings). It is also ideal as a mould release agent. Other application includes mechanical seal, dashboard, conveyor chains subject to washing by water or steam, battery terminal to prevent corrosion, valve lubricant, printers, computer and other communication equipment.

    EAJ 70-E Electronic Contact (Подробнее) 195 -20 to 130 40 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 70-E is a high performance lithium based electrical and electronic contact grease suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications and specifically for a treatment of all types of contacts. It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, zinc, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions. It has good oxidation resistance and protects electrical contacts from wear and corrosion.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 70-E is recommended for all electrical contacts of switches, circuits, jumper feeders, relays, battery terminals, busbar connection etc in industrial machineries. It is always preferable and advisable to clean the contact surfaces, remove old grease, rub the tarnished areas and dirt from the component prior to using EAJ 70-E.
    After the contact surfaces are cleaned and dried, they should be lubricated and wiped with EAJ 70-E.
    Chlorinated solvents should not be used because they can leave chlorine, which can cause corrosion.

    EAJ 70-E SWM 5 Electronic Contact (Подробнее) 204 -30 to 140 60 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 70-E SWM5 is lithium based grease that made of synthetic and paraffinic based stock for electrical and electronic applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications and specifically for a treatment of all types of contacts.
    With dual combination of organic solid lubricant and extreme pressure additives, it gave excellent wear resistance. On the other hand, it is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, zinc, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions. It has good oxidation resistance and protects electrical contacts from wear and corrosion

    Product Application:
    EAJ 70-E SWM5 is recommended for all electrical contacts of switches, circuits, jumper feeders, relays, battery terminals, busbar connection etc in industrial machineries. It is always preferable and advisable to clean the contact surfaces, remove old grease, rub the tarnished areas and dirt from the component prior to using EAJ 70-E SWM5.
    After the contact surfaces are cleaned and dried, they should be lubricated and wiped with EAJ 70-E SWM5. Chlorinated solvents should not be used because they can leave chlorine, which can cause corrosion.

    EAJ 709 S Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) 210 -30 to 143 -


    Product Description:
    This a specially formulated electrical and electronic grease for lubricating difficult applications requiring extended lubrication intervals. It leaves a tenacious film of lubricant to give optimum lubrication and seal out contaminants. The uniform molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes friction between moving parts and boosts lubrication performance over a wide temperature range.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 709 S is recommended for lubricating applications ranging from extreme temperature in cold and warm conditions.
    It serve as a mechanical grease for use on all moving electrical and electronics parts e.g. on line printers, keyboards, platens, computerized embroidery machine, small gears and bearings, switches, plastic gears, electronic devices, VCR, cassettes, small moving mechanisms etc.

    EAJ 9009 S Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) 280 -30 to 182 60 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a super high temperature semi-synthetic grease with excellent oxidation stability and lubrication properties. Its tenacious structural stability reduces consumption service life.
    The molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes wear and boasts greater penetration and finer grease film.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9009 S is recommended for applications in electronics, packaging, plastics, printing and high temperature automotive manufacturing sectors. It is also suitable for applications in public transport, lifts, coiler grease points, spindles, utility switch contacts, exhaust fan bearings, electric motors and high and low speed small bearings.
    EAJ 9009 S also has low pour point and excellent low temperature torque.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 937 FS Bearings and Bushes (Подробнее) >300 -50 to 260 176 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease contains an optimum amount of micronized PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) which increases its lubricity - its ability to reduce friction and fight wear.
    With the mixture of highly refined polyalphaolefin, it provides excellent thermal and shear stability which can withstand in extreme high-low operating temperature and maximize the structure stability of the grease.
    It has no environmentally harmful substances and heavy metals. Water repellent, resists high (+260 ?) and low (-50 ?) temperatures.
    A truly long life and non ageing grease that able to extend lubrication service life under severe conditions.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 937 FS2 is designed for application with high temperature & sub-zero condition.
    It is suitable for most electronic industries, pulp & paper mills, textile and steel mills critical bearings or bushes subjected to temperature fluctuation and high load.

    EAJ 937 Si Mechanical Seal (Подробнее) >280 -50 to 232 160 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a non toxic and Chemical Resistant Bearing grease specially formulated with silicone oil and thickened with PTFE which selected proprietary additives package.
    It has excellent extreme temperature resistance and resist washout by water, fuels, oils and solvents. This Silicone PTFE based materials reduce friction and provide long lasting lubrication. It is compatible with most plastics and rubbers and will not crack or become brittle with age. It has excellent water resistant and physical properties which can be use for Chemical mixers, industrial and marine applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 937 Si is recommended as a moisture barrier, surface protectant, specialized release lubrication. Chemical resistance; good load-carrying, effective in high and low temperatures. It can enhance thermal conductivity–electrical connectors, seals and cables.
    It can also be used as lubricant for many plastics and rubber (silicone rubbers, synthetic rubbers, orings etc). It is also exceptional antifriction lubricant for bearing exposed to harsh chemicals, solvents, high temperatures, high speeds or heavy loads. Other application includes mechanical seal, conveyor chains subject to washing by water or steam.

    EAJ 709 FS Bearing and Gear >204 -45.6 to 130 -
    EAJ 9009 FS Bearing and Gear >280 -45.6 to 182 60 lbs


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    72EP Sport High Speed Bearing (Подробнее) >210 -45.6 to 143 -

    200gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a superior, multi purpose complex grease specially developed to extend the performance life for wheel bearing applications.
    Excellent anti-wear and extreme pressure properties giving higher protection on the bearings.
    It has been tested to give optimum results over extended periods especially under difficult operating conditions.

    Product Application:
    72EP SPORT is recommended for most high performance vehicle applications including wheel bearings and pulleys etc.

    99R+ NANO TECH High Speed Bearing (Подробнее) >210 -45.6 to 182 -

    200gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This is a super high speed bearing grease with excellent oxidation stability and lubrication properties. Combining with Nano technology and low base oil viscosity it is especially for most high speed applications.
    It’s tenacious structural stability reduces consumption service life.
    It consists of ester cum paraffinic base stock and lithium complex soap, the molecular structure of the product helps minimize wear and boasts greater penetration and finer grease film.

    Product Application:
    99R+ NANO TECH is recommended for applications in public transport, high speed motor bearings, high speed rolling bearing in spindles, textile spindles, exhaust fan bearings, electric motors and high and low speed small bearings.
    99R+ NANO TECH is also has low pour point and excellent low temperature torque.
    A ready use product for all kind of motorsport competitions.

    EAJ 709 S Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) 210 -30 to 143 -


    Product Description:
    This a specially formulated electrical and electronic grease for lubricating difficult applications requiring extended lubrication intervals. It leaves a tenacious film of lubricant to give optimum lubrication and seal out contaminants. The uniform molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes friction between moving parts and boosts lubrication performance over a wide temperature range.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 709 S is recommended for lubricating applications ranging from extreme temperature in cold and warm conditions.
    It serve as a mechanical grease for use on all moving electrical and electronics parts e.g. on line printers, keyboards, platens, computerized embroidery machine, small gears and bearings, switches, plastic gears, electronic devices, VCR, cassettes, small moving mechanisms etc.

    EAJ 9009 S Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) 280 -30 to 182 60 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a super high temperature semi-synthetic grease with excellent oxidation stability and lubrication properties. Its tenacious structural stability reduces consumption service life.
    The molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes wear and boasts greater penetration and finer grease film.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9009 S is recommended for applications in electronics, packaging, plastics, printing and high temperature automotive manufacturing sectors. It is also suitable for applications in public transport, lifts, coiler grease points, spindles, utility switch contacts, exhaust fan bearings, electric motors and high and low speed small bearings.
    EAJ 9009 S also has low pour point and excellent low temperature torque.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 7000 WHITE Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) 210 -20 to 136 40 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a high performance multi-purpose lithium 12-HSA based grease suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications.
    It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions.
    It has good oxidation resistance.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7000 WHITE is recommended for Automotive and Industrial Lubrication. It is excellent for lubrication on car, bus, van, truck, trailer and industrial machinery especially when clean environmental is needed.
    Suitable for most general bearings.

    EAJ WHITE Bearing and Gear (Подробнее) >260 -20 to 149 48 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is of superior quality, wide application greases which is gelled with imported inorganic thickener from USA. It has extreme shear stability for high speed bearing application and ensures resistance to water and steam.
    It were made from a high quality base oil utilizing enhanced additive chemistry and technology to provide proven performance as a multi-purpose product for both the automotive and industria l applications. White solid lubricants prevent metal-to-metal contact in the area of mixed friction suitable for both hot and cold environment.

    Product Application:
    EAJ White is clean, non staining grease and are recommended for lubrication of roller, needle, journal, sliding bearings in poultry plants and handling industries.

    EAJ 709 S Electronics and Bearings (Подробнее) 210 -30 to 140 -


    Product Description:
    This a specially formulated electrical and electronic grease for lubricating difficult applications requiring extended lubrication intervals. It leaves a tenacious film of lubricant to give optimum lubrication and seal out contaminants. The uniform molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes friction between moving parts and boosts lubrication performance over a wide temperature range.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 709 S is recommended for lubricating applications ranging from extreme temperature in cold and warm conditions.
    It serve as a mechanical grease for use on all moving electrical and electronics parts e.g. on line printers, keyboards, platens, computerized embroidery machine, small gears and bearings, switches, plastic gears, electronic devices, VCR, cassettes, small moving mechanisms etc.

    EAJ 9009 S Electronics and Bearings (Подробнее) 280 -30 to 182 60 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a super high temperature semi-synthetic grease with excellent oxidation stability and lubrication properties. Its tenacious structural stability reduces consumption service life.
    The molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes wear and boasts greater penetration and finer grease film.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 9009 S is recommended for applications in electronics, packaging, plastics, printing and high temperature automotive manufacturing sectors. It is also suitable for applications in public transport, lifts, coiler grease points, spindles, utility switch contacts, exhaust fan bearings, electric motors and high and low speed small bearings.
    EAJ 9009 S also has low pour point and excellent low temperature torque.

    EAJ 933 S Electronic, Rubbers and Plastics (Подробнее) >260 -40 to 170 -

    100gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a non toxic and non melting silicone grease specially formulated with inert silica fillers and selected proprietary additives package.
    It has excellent extreme temperature resistance and dielectric properties. This silicone based materials reduce friction and provide long lasting lubrication.
    It is compatible with most plastics and rubbers and will not crack or become brittle with age. It has excellent water resistant and physical properties which can be use for automotive, industrial and marine applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 933 S Extreme High Temperature is recommended as a moisture barrier, surface protectant, specialized release lubrication/release agent. It can enhance thermal conductivity – electrical connectors, seals and cables.
    EAJ 933 S can also be used as a lubricant for many plastics and rubber (silicone rubber, synthetic rubbers, o-rings). It is also ideal as a mould release agent. Other application includes mechanical seal, dashboard, conveyor chains subject to washing by water or steam, battery terminal to prevent corrosion, valve lubricant, printers, computer and other communication equipment.


    НазваниеОписаниеТемпература вспышки (°C)Дапазон (°C)Нагрузка Тимкена (кг)
    EAJ 102 CVJ (2) CV Joint (Подробнее) 125 10 to 90 48 lbs

    100gmмасса нетто



    Product Description:
    This grease is a special blend premium quality Moly Graphite grease which provides excellent water resistant and anti wear protection for your applications.
    A layer of Moly-Graphite particle size ensures adequate protective coating for operating under moderate loads and vibrating motions.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 102 CVJ Moly Graphite is specially developed for car constant velocity (CV) joints, universal joints, chassis points, cranes, conveyor systems.
    It is formulated from selected base oil combines with molybdenum disulfide (Moly) and graphite compounds to provide a protective film strength on all moving surfaces.

    EAJ 103 CVP (2) Water Resistance (Подробнее) 125 10 to 90 40 lbs


    Product Description:
    This is a superior water resistant grease. It provides excellent lubricity, resists separation and thinning and has good shear and mechanically stability. It is exceptionally resistant to water wash out including emulsions.
    A truly long running water resistant grease that outperforms many other heavy duty greases. It is fortified with multifunctional synthetic polymer, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give better protection for the components.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 103 CVP is primarily used to lubricate water pumps, dockside cranes, trucks, boat trailer, wire ropes, machinery components, marines and vehicle bearings operating under extreme humid or wet conditions.

    EAJ 168 BCG (0) Brake Caliper (Подробнее) >260 -38 to 204 -

    100gmмасса нетто



    Product Description:
    EAJ 168 BCG is a non toxic and non melting, pure synthetic lubricant which specially formulated to lubricate under the most difficult brake conditions. It is compatible with most brake rubber and plastic parts and will not crack or become brittle with age.
    It has excellent temperature resistance which helps on rolling and sliding surfaces operating in wet/ dry conditions from -36.4? to 599? so as to reduce friction and provide long lasting lubrication.
    It has excellent water resistant and physical properties which can be use for automotive, industrial and marine applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 168 BCG is recommended for long and short bolts, bushings, caliper pistons, caliper pins, disc brake calipers, outboard and inboard pad backing plate, sleeves etc.
    Other application includes mechanical seal, dashboard, conveyor chains subject to washing by water or steam, battery terminal to prevent corrosion, valve lubricant.

    EAJ 300 TPG Tapping Machine - - -
    EAJ 401 CSG Crusher Machine (Подробнее) 204 -20 to 140 55-62 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 401 CSG is a premium grade Lithium MOLY with manufacturer unique formulation of SBH2.5 grease specially design for most crusher machines use. It contains special functional additive molybdenum disulfide which will impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces.
    It also resists water washing and has excellent anti wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the moly. The molybdenum disulfide also serves as a running in and smoothing agent.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 401 CSG is recommended for high load and high temperature mining industrial, quarry industries and construction machineries. Besides, it can be used in most type of crusher machines like jaw crusher, gyratory crusher, cone crushers, impact crusher, open gears and so on where heavy load, strong vibration and water contamination may be a problem.

    EAJ 600 VL Gas Valve–Oil & Gas 288 -20 to 195 70 lbs
    EAJ 601 SVS Synthetic Valve Sealant–Oil & Gas 288 -40 to 195 70 lbs
    EAJ 733 HM Hammer Tools (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 177 77 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 733 HM is a high performance, high load melting based grease suitable for a wide range of working conditions in industrial, construction, mining and quarry applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications.
    EAJ 733 HM is fortified with a high quality multifunctional polymer, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions. With super extreme pressure additives EAJ 733 HM can withstand in ultra high load condition.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 733 HM is recommended to use in severe loading situations for instance:
    Hammer Types: Diesel Hammers, Pneumatic Hammers and Hydraulic Hammers
    Driller Types: Pneumatic Drills, Rock Drills
    Chisel Types: Breaking Chisels

    EAJ 735 MKT Power Tools (Подробнее) 200 -20 to 132 77 lbs

    100gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    EAJ 735 MKT is a high speed, high heat resistance and plastic compatibility grease suitable for a wide range of working conditions and suitable for most power tool applications. It is engineered to provide a long service life in a broad range of applications.
    EAJ 735 MKT HM is fortified with high percentage of extreme pressure additives and resistance to shear forces so as to give better performance and high protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 735 MKT is recommended to use in power tool’s bearing and gear applications.

    EAJ 7000 BS (0000) Central Lubrication System 204 -20 to 140 40 lbs
    EAJ 7036 LCG EP (1) Coupling Grease Tacky (Подробнее) 210 -20 to 136 55 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 7036 LCG EP is a multi-functional grease specifically designed to resist high centrifugal forces where created by rotating coupling.
    It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, extreme pressure additive, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give better protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions.
    It has good preventive on oxidation and perfect in resistance to water washout.
    With the combination of high viscosity base oil, it provides superior resistance to oil separation.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7036 LCG EP is recommended for most type of rotating couplings in slow and normal motor speeds, gear teeth, gear couplings, grid, rolling mill etc.

    EAJ 7236 LCCG EP (0000) Coupling Grease Tacky (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 186 60 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 7236 LCCG EP is specifically designed to resist the high centrifugal forces where created by rotating coupling.
    It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, extreme pressure additive, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give better protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions.
    It has good preventive on oxidation and perfect in resistance to water washout.
    With the combination of high viscosity base oil, it provides superior resistance to oil separation.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7236 LCCG EP is recommended for most type of rotating couplings in slow and normal motor speeds, gear teeth, gear couplings, grid, rolling mill etc.

    EAJ 7836 ALCG EP (0000) Coupling Grease Tacky (Подробнее) 260 -20 to 177 65 lbs


    Product Description:
    EAJ 7836 ALCG EP is developed from aluminum complex based grease and its specifically designed to resist the high centrifugal forces where created by rotating coupling and it is very good in pumpability.
    It is fortified with a multifunctional polymer, extreme pressure additive, rust and corrosion inhibitors to give protection for a wide range of applications and service conditions.
    It has good preventive on oxidation and perfect in resistance to water washout.
    With the combination of high viscosity base oil, it provides superior resistance to oil separation.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 7836 ALCG EP is recommended for most type of rotating couplings in slow and normal motor speeds, gear teeth, gear couplings, grid, rolling mill etc.

    EAJ 900 GL PLUS Agriculture Drilling (Подробнее) 288 -20 to 204 176 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a multi-functional non-melt super high temperature and high load specialty drilling grease. A new formula compounded with sub micron molybdenum disulfide, solid graphite and several other proprietary additives package to provide excellent resistance to shock, seizure and galling. The proprietary compounds will form an insulating layer between metals to reduce wear between metal parts even operating at extreme high temperature and high load. It is also produced from high quality base stocks to prevent oil separation.
    It has superb anti-friction properties that will reduce thread wear and prolonged coupling life.
    It is particularly effective where elevated levels of stress and temperature are anticipated and for severely deviated holes. It provides positive protection of all rotary shouldered connections under most drilling condition.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 900 GL PLUS is highly recommended for lubrication of Mining, Construction and Blast Hole Drilling Products. It is also recommended for percussion rock drilling, blast hole drilling, road construction, logging, mining, coal drilling, tract drilling, tools and jacking system.

    EAJ 911 (1.5) Anti-Seize/ Compound (Подробнее) 1150 -20 to 288 -

    100gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    This grease is a multi-functional non-melt super high temperature and high extreme pressure anti-seize compound/ paste. A new formula compounded with sub micron metallic copper, molybdenum disulfide, solid graphite and other proprietary anti-seize particles and additives package. The particles present are inert and will not evaporate at extreme temperature and their heat resistant properties prevent carbon fusion and seizure to temperature of up to 2102? (1150?). It is also produced from high quality base stocks to prevent oil separation and infinite shelf life.
    It prevents rust, corrosion, galling and seizure and reduces wear between metal parts even operating at extreme high temperature and high load.
    This anti-seize compound is specially designed to provide an insulating layer between metals so that maintenance are free from breakage and easy dismantling of lubricated parts–valves, chassis mountings, cylinder heads, threaded fasteners (bolts and nuts) etc. It will also resist galvanic attack even in the presence of strong chemicals and put metal parts under protection.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 911 Super High Temperature and EP Compound/ Paste is highly recommended for lubrication of oven doors, boiler hinges, boiler cover, chains, ropes, levers, spark plugs (plugs thread), threaded parts, bushings, disc brake pads, wheel nuts, heat exchangers or manifold bolts, gears, valves, sprockets, rollers, pivots, drilling, furnace parts and any kind of equipment and machinery subject to high temperature or high operating loads. It is also recommended as a gasket release agent, a sealer, a tapping compound on plastics and metals, etc. It gave excellent rust and corrosion protection especially in marine surroundings exposed to sea water.

    EAJ 935 LMW Robot Arm (Подробнее) 204 -20 to 130 62 lbs

    HIGH LOAD, VIBRATION AND HIGH TEMP [Specialize for ROBOT ARM Machineries]

    Product Description:
    This grease is a premium grade White Moly-lithium 12-HSA grease. It contains special functional additive white molybdenum disulfide which will impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces.
    It also resists water washing and has excellent anti wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the Moly. The white molybdenum disulfide also serves as a running in and smoothing agent.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 935 LWM is recommended for high load and high temperature industrial and automotive assembly industries robot arm machineries. It is excellent for lubricating robot-arm, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/conveyer chains and where heavy load, strong vibration and good water resistance.
    It has an excellent mechanical and thermal stability.

    EAJ 937 FS PAO, PTFE (Подробнее) >300 -50 to 260 176 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease contains an optimum amount of micronized PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) which increases its lubricity - its ability to reduce friction and fight wear.
    With the mixture of highly refined polyalphaolefin, it provides excellent thermal and shear stability which can withstand in extreme high-low operating temperature and maximize the structure stability of the grease.
    It has no environmentally harmful substances and heavy metals. Water repellent, resists high (+260 ?) and low (-50 ?) temperatures.
    A truly long life and non ageing grease that able to extend lubrication service life under severe conditions.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 937 FS2 is designed for application with high temperature & sub-zero condition.
    It is suitable for most electronic industries, pulp & paper mills, textile and steel mills critical bearings or bushes subjected to temperature fluctuation and high load.

    EAJ 937 Si Silicone, PTFE (Подробнее) >280 -50 to 232 160 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a non toxic and Chemical Resistant Bearing grease specially formulated with silicone oil and thickened with PTFE which selected proprietary additives package.
    It has excellent extreme temperature resistance and resist washout by water, fuels, oils and solvents. This Silicone PTFE based materials reduce friction and provide long lasting lubrication. It is compatible with most plastics and rubbers and will not crack or become brittle with age. It has excellent water resistant and physical properties which can be use for Chemical mixers, industrial and marine applications.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 937 Si is recommended as a moisture barrier, surface protectant, specialized release lubrication. Chemical resistance; good load-carrying, effective in high and low temperatures. It can enhance thermal conductivity–electrical connectors, seals and cables.
    It can also be used as lubricant for many plastics and rubber (silicone rubbers, synthetic rubbers, orings etc). It is also exceptional antifriction lubricant for bearing exposed to harsh chemicals, solvents, high temperatures, high speeds or heavy loads. Other application includes mechanical seal, conveyor chains subject to washing by water or steam.

    EAJ 9009 S03 Central Lubrication System (Подробнее) 280 -30 to 1820 160 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a super high temperature semi-synthetic grease with excellent oxidation stability and lubrication properties. Its tenacious structural stability reduces consumption service life.
    The molecular structure of the synthetic base oil minimizes wear and boasts greater penetration and ?ner grease ?lm.

    Scope of usage:
    EAJ 9009 S03 is recommended for applications in most central lubrication system, high temperature automotive manufacturing sectors and able uses for the lubrication of rollers in most linear guide systems of machining tools. It is also suitable for applications in public transport which having central lubrication systems, lifts, coiler grease points, spindles, utility switch contacts, high and low speed gears with a high mechanical load.
    EAJ 9009 S03 also has low pour point and excellent low temperature torque.

    EAJ EL 77 Autogrease-CNC (Подробнее) 204 -20 to 140 62 lbs

    100gmмасса нетто


    Product Description:
    EAJ EL 77 AUTOGREASE is a premium grade White Moly-lithium 12-HSA grease. It contains specialfunctional additive white molybdenum disulfide which will impart a long-lasting film on working surfaces.
    It also resists water washing and has excellent anti wear properties resulting from the solid lubricant effect of the Moly. The white molybdenum disulfide also serves as a running in and smoothing agent.

    Product Application:
    EAJ EL 77 AUTOGREASE is recommended for high load and high temperature industrial and automotive assembly industries. It is excellent for lubricating in pins and bushes, anti-friction/ clutch/ plain bearings, chains/ conveyer chains and where heavy load, strong vibration and good water resistance.
    It is specially for most centralized lubrication system such as Toshiba, Sumitomo, Sodik, JSW, Nissei,Demag, Ube, Meiki, Niigata, Ferromatik, Fanuc, Toyo, Mitsubishi and other machineries.

    EAJ 120 OPG Open gears (Подробнее) 125 -20 to 90 62 lbs


    Product Description:
    This grease is a moderate temperature grey-black moly-graphite heavy duty grease specially developed to provide maximum reduction in friction and wear on open gears.
    It has good anti-rust, anti-oxidation and water wash out properties, and the presence of Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) and Graphite give good extreme pressure results.
    EAJ 120 OPG grease has outstanding load-carrying and adhesion properties (tacky texture) and it will stick (will not easily fling off) where it is applied.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 120 OPG is specially developed to lubricate high load and moderate temperature open gears. It can also be used for trucks, ball mills, shovels, girth gears, trailers, construction equipment, chains/ conveyer chains and where heavy loaded lubrications are required.

    EAJ 100 WRGL Wire Rope Grease Lubricant (Подробнее) 190 -20 to 120 -


    Product Description:
    This grease is specifically designed to extend the life of wire ropes and chains. It penetrates to the fiber rope core to prevent drying out.
    It is formulated from a hydrophobic thickener to produce a high heat resistance, water repellent lubrication. It is fortified with additives for extreme pressures, anti-oxidation, anti-rust and corrosion inhibition. The protective coating will resist rainfall and immersion in sea water. It will not wash out easily in presence of water.

    Product Application:
    EAJ 100 WRGL 0 is recommended for use on wire ropes and cables, link chains, track rollers, lifting ropes, cranes, cargo hoists, drag lines, and applications which require hard film lubrication and protection.